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Dr. Ronald McKinley is former Chair for the ISO Technical Committee 260 - Human Resource Management, where he led the effort to create, develop, and publish multiple international human resource management standards, including ISO 30401: Knowledge Management Systems - Requirements; and ISO 30414: Human Resource Management – Guidelines and certifies organizations for compliance and individuals as ISO auditors for these standards. He has more than 35 years of experience in human resource management and over 25 years of experience as a Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) for medical, retail, and business service organizations. Dr. McKinley holds a Lifetime Senior Professional in Human Resources Certification, and is an international authority on ISO HR standards.  He has served as professor of management at several universities including Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio.  He has a PhD in Administration and Management, a MBA in HR, and a BS in Management. He is a former Marine and Vietnam Veteran. You can reach Ron at:


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